There are several main factors you need to consider in order to choose perfect laminate flooring for you.

First of all you need to determine how much traffic you’re expecting to have. Based on this knowledge, you can decide what material you’re looking for.

Laminate Flooring manufacturers have special standards to follow. These standards were developed by The European Producers of  Laminate Flooring (EPLF).  There are 5 classified types of laminate durability levels(abrasion classes): AC1 to AC5. Higher number – more durable laminate is.

Laminate flooring durability scale.

AC types:

AC1 laminate has the lowest durability level and should be used in very low traffic residential areas. It might work out well in houses which are seldom used, like second homes. It also might be installed in small bedrooms which doesn’t have a lot of traffic
AC2 laminate has better durability, but would not last long in areas with medium or high traffic. This laminate is great fit for second homes.
AC3 is the best fit for ANY residential property. It also can be installed in low traffic offices. AC3 standard is considered the top material in residential line of products(AC1-AC3). Next class and other higher classes are commercial.
AC4 class was designed to be installed in most of the office buildings and restaurants. It’s durability will stand high traffic for a long time. It’s still can be installed in residential houses with any traffic volume.
AC5 laminate can be installed in any retail store, warehouse or other commercial high traffic areas.

FYI, AC stands for Abrasion Coefficient.

Every second class also means coarseness increase with every level. AC4 and AC5 classes might not be comfortable to walk on with bare foot.

This guide is important to follow whenever you plan to install laminate flooring in you home or office. In general price difference between five classes might be pretty huge. There might be about 30% price difference between any two different classes. By choosing right material for you, you save money and use efficient product. Remember that laminate creation involves nature pollution during manufacturing process, don’t waste our nature resources. Also, some laminate manufacturers use graphical labels to inform about laminate AC level. AC6 class is not popular and almost never used.