Monthly Archives: May 2018

When should I refinish hardwood floors?

Sometimes it’s hard to tell for sure that your floors needs to be refinished now or next year. It makes sense to keep floors as is for a while to save some money, but you have to be careful with that. What may happen is floors get buckled or darken too much to get that new look back. Let’s go over few things to help you distinguish when you can wait or not.

First of all, let’s go to the basics. Floor finish protects wood from damages like:

  • Dirt, which can get into wood deep enough to damage its structure
  • Water, which can leave dark stains. In general it’s impossible to tell for sure how deep water has penetrated. From our experience, 10% of the cases are unpredictable and 90% of the cases can be predicted with 80-90% chance of guessing.
  • Moisture, which doesn’t change color of material but makes it cup or buckle.

Based on these facts, here is what you want to avoid:
Read More When should I refinish hardwood floors?

Subfloor options: OSB vs Particle board

Subfloor options: OSB vs Particle board

A common question prior to new floor installation is which type of subfloor to use. People often confuse OSB with particle board. In one sentence – particle board is often used as a subfloor for carpets, OSB is used as a primary subfloor for any flooring, including hardwood. Now let’s take a closer look at both of them.

OSB (Oriented Strand Board)

Read More Subfloor options: OSB vs Particle board

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